Friday, May 6, 2011

Highlights and goldilocks

Where to begin… I have waited far to long to blog.
The highlight of our trip so far has to be helping out with kids club. The children jump all over you and are so attention hungry. Whilst at the park we have not seen one father. Many of the children were with grandmothers or very young teenage mums (moms). The children are so loveable we just wanted to take them all home with us. We are so excited for kids club again tomorrow.

Rob has been enjoying surfing and has just bought a new board he would like me specify that it is a 5”8 lost rocket, which he is completely in love with- I might be a tiny bit jealous. On the subject of Rob he has also managed to get knocked off his bike… when he first told me I thought he was exaggerating until he told me that he was on the bonnet (hood) of the car. I blame his terrible driving (bike riding) he claims the car turned directly in front of him to use a driveway.

We have now moved ‘house’ three times and are thinking that it is definitely third time lucky in this case. It feels a little like goldilocks and the three bears; the first was too dirty, the second too noisy and the third is just right- and it just happens to have a pool :)
 Here is our new apartment for the next month.

Other than that we have been opening up the skate park at Christian Surfers and getting to know the local kids, riding our bikes a lot and of course we have to spend some time on the beach… it would be wrong not to!

The past few days in pictures…

At the farmers market.

 A hike up the mountain for a fantastic view.

This morning we biked and walked to the end of the beach point. We had a lot of fun looking in all the rock pools (tide pools) seeing the tiny tropical fish and the abundance of crabs. We spotted a hermit crab on the sand and before we knew it we discovered that the whole area was covered with these tiny undercover agents. They were so funny to watch the minute they thought you had seen them they would stop on the spot and roll over ‘dead’. You would not believe how many there were and how small some could be, imagine the teensiest shell that you have ever seen, some of them had to be only about 3 millimeters big.

spot the hermit.

On our walk to the beach point.

Dad you would be proud... we took this photograph on a timer!

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